Parent Resources
Cooper is a great place to learn and call home. We believe all students can learn! We want to make sure each child is prepared for their future. Cooper has common procedures and systems throughout the building to allow students ease of transition between classrooms and grades. We will start a before and after care in October, so be on the lookout for the application.
We also have after school activities that include: bike club, sewing club, and many others throughout the school year. Make sure you watch for upcoming events. Our teachers at Cooper are dedicated to making every child successful. Cooper teachers spend many hours working on lessons, creating engaging activities and working to make sure each student grows to their fullest potential. Our teachers willingly meet with families and call to communicate successes and struggles.
We believe it takes a village to raise a child and the village includes parents, family members, teachers, support staff, administrators, and community members. We love having volunteers in our building and always have ways for volunteers to help the school. If you are interested in volunteering at Cooper please ask in the office.
Our PTA is seeking families and we need every parent to join. This organization is a wonderful way to stay connected as well as to offer support for students and teachers at Cooper. Thank you for trusting us with your child’s education and we believe together great things will happen!
Parental involvement is a combination of commitment and active participation on the part of parent to the school and to the student. As parents you can ensure that your child receives the benefits from parental involvement by staying up to date on what is happening in the classroom.
Tulsa Public Schools is committed to helping your child develop the academic knowledge and critical thinking he or she needs to succeed in school and beyond. As a result, these involvement opportunities empower parents to take action. By connecting parents to school officials, community members, other parents, knowledge, and powerful allies, these opportunities build bridges and networks that support schools and sustain whole communities.
- Parent Involvement Plan
- Parental Involvement for Pre-K
- Parental Involvement for Kindergarten
- Parental Involvement for first grade
- Parental Involvement for Second Grade
- Parental Involvement for Third Grade
- Parental Involvement for Fourth Grade
- Parental Involvement for Fifth Grade
- District Involvement Information
Parent Involvement Plan
Parental Involvement for Pre-K
Parental Involvement for Kindergarten
Parental Involvement for first grade
Parental Involvement for Second Grade
Parental Involvement for Third Grade
Parental Involvement for Fourth Grade
Parental Involvement for Fifth Grade
District Involvement Information
The Champions before and after learning program offers activities that combine fun and learning, together with the safety and convenience of a high-quality program right inside your school. Champions offers a variety of group and individual activities designed to keep your child exploring and growing.
From art, dramatic play, math and science to problem-solving, language, motor skills and more, we help your child continue learning and developing essential life skills – whether school is in session or not.
Every day of learning matters. If your student is not feeling well, it is important to know when you should keep your student home from school.
- They have a contagious disease
- They do not feel well enough to participate in their normal school activities
- They have any of the symptoms listed below or have an illness for which temporary exclusion from school is recommended*
- Fever of 100.4 or higher
- Flu symptoms
- Vomiting (2+ episodes in 24 hours)
- Diarrhea with a fever (or if child looks/acts ill or is vomiting also)
- Rash with a fever
- Pink eye (until the infection has cleared or treatment has begun)
- Skin lesions like streptococci, staphylococcus, impetigo and MRSA infections (for 24 hours after treatment has begun; lesions must be covered while at school)
- Scabies (until treatment has completed)
- Chicken pox (until blisters have resolved or no new lesions appear within a 24-hour period)
- Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease *
- Respiratory illnesses like flu, RSV, COVID-19 *
*student may return once symptoms are improved or resolving and they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication
For further guidance related to these symptoms and illnesses, visit